
Escape your life for a little while — come play in mine.

Tagged! For books!

Posted by Lissa on November 18, 2008

Why thanks Jay!  Of course I’ll play!


First, as always, the rules:

Pass it on to five other bloggers, and tell them to open the nearest book to page 56. Write out the fifth sentence on that page, and also the next two to five sentences. The CLOSEST BOOK, NOT YOUR FAVORITE, OR MOST INTELLECTUAL!

Well, see, that’s a little difficult, because I use a Kindle.  I don’t get pages.  Luckily, Amazon.com includes page totals for their books.

Hmmm . . . let’s see.  272 pages translates to 3115 locations, how?  Okay, divide 3115 by 272 . . . no wait, that doesn’t look right . . . how many locations a page?  Oh DAMMIT!  Grrrr.  Okay, x over 3115 equals 56 over 272.  3115 X 56 = 174, 440.  174, 440 divided by 272  . . .641.32.  Right-o, Location 641.

And the fifth sentence at Location 641 is . . .

Lack of press freedom in Korea is one of the big student gripes.  But the students don’t like actual reporters any better than the government does, at least not American reporters.  The radicals — in counterfeit New Balance shoes, Levi’s knockoffs and unlicensed Madonna T-shirts — are much given to denouncing American dominance of Korean culture.  It took a lot of arguing to get past these ding-dongs.  One pair, a dog-faced, grousing fat girl in glasses and a weedy, mouthy, fever-eyed boy, were almost as obnoxious as my girlfriend and I were twenty years ago at the march on the Pentagon.  However, they had some oddly Korean priorities.  “Don’t you step on bushes!” shouted the fat girl as I made my way into the building that they were tearing to shreds.

Okay, so that was more than the next two sentences.  But when on reads PJ O’Rourke, one MUST finish the paragraph.  It’s a law.

Who to tag, who to tag . . .

1)  Breda.  She’s a librarian, so we should have a LARGE selection of random goodness!

2) IAMB.  Obviously better-read than I am, so let’s see what pops out!

3) Shoothouse Barbie.  Gun manual?  Chem textbook?  Her thesis (god forbid)?  Or a book about dogs farting?  Enlighten us!

4) TOTWTYTR.  I bet it’s something wonderful!

5) Bookworm.  ‘Cause, well, it just seems appropriate 🙂

(P.S.  Yes, I really do need to scribble out that x-over-y equals a-over-b equation.  I never claimed that math was a high point.  Although I still have the quadratic formula memorized — go figure.)

3 Responses to “Tagged! For books!”

  1. […] Lissa tagged me for a meme that hit too close to home for me even to think of failing to participate.  It is, after all, about books.  Here are the rules: Pass it on to five other bloggers, and tell them to open the nearest book to page 56. Write out the fifth sentence on that page, and also the next two to five sentences. The CLOSEST BOOK, NOT YOUR FAVORITE, OR MOST INTELLECTUAL! […]

  2. […] 21, 2008 I can’t resist a good meme 🙂  (Although since I tagged people for a book thread not too long ago, I’ll throw this one open to anyone who wants to […]

  3. Brad Kruse said

    Thanks for the tag. Sorry I didn’t notice it, then.

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